Stamps inscribed 'Angola'.

1881 - 1975 Portugese Colony
1962 - Independent Republic

From 1881: 1 Réal (pl. Réis)
From 1911: 1 Escudo (PTE) = 100 Centavos (= 1,000 Réis)
From 1977: 1 Kwanza (AOK) = 100 lwei (=1 PTE)
From 1990: 1 New Kwanza (AON) (= 1 AOK, but only 5% of AOK was exchangeable)
From 1995: 1 Reajusted Kwanza (AOR) (= 1,000 AON)
From 1999: 1 Kwanza (AOA) = 100 cêntimos (= 1,000,000 AOR)
Checklists > Countries > Angola Domestic Cats

List status: Incomplete / under construction.
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC
1990 International Year of Literacy AO19900726 ST 1 18 Stamp 1.00 Unspecified breed
Upper half of a spotted cat drawing
Part of a composite sheetlet
AO19900726 ST 1 24 Stamp 1.00 Unspecified breed
Lower half of a spotted cat drawing
Part of a composite sheetlet
AO19900726 SH 30_00 Sheetlet 30.00 Unspecified breed
A spotted cat drawing spread on two stamps
Composite sheetlet of 30 stamps
The composite design also includes a leopard
AO19900726 TEN Se-tenant (vertically) pair 2.00 Unspecified breed
A spotted cat drawing spread on two stamps
Part of a composite sheetlet
1998 Cats AO19980521 ST 140000 1 Stamp 140 000 British Shorthair (tortie)
AO19980521 ST 140000 2 Stamp 140 000 Chinchilla Persian
AO19980521 ST 140000 3 Stamp 140 000 Russian Blue
AO19980521 ST 140000 4 Stamp 140 000 Persian (black)
AO19980521 ST 140000 5 Stamp 140 000 British Shorthair (red)
AO19980521 ST 140000 6 Stamp 140 000 Sacred Birman
AO19980521 ST 500000 Stamp 500 000 Turkish Van
Stamp from MS
AO19980521 MS 840000 Miniature Sheet 840 000 British Shorth (2)
Persian (2)
Russian Blue
Sacred Birman
MS with all six stamps
AO19980521 MS 500000 Miniature Sheet 500 000 Turkish Van

List compiled by Geir Arveng.
Latest update: 12 July 2012